A lot of effort goes into meetings. Individuals often put much thought into their presentations. Although a meeting’s content and attendance might be great, there is no guarantee that attendees will be engaged with the speaker. An unengaged audience isn’t just discouraging to a presenter, but it also wastes the audience’s time.
Have you as a manager ever experienced the frustration of heading up a well-attended meeting, but no one is listening? If so, you are not alone. There is a solution to making meetings more engaging.
Help Employees Get the Most Out of Meetings
As a manager, there are several things you can do to help employees get the most out of meetings. Here are a few examples:
- Ask for on-the-spot feedback
Sometimes you have to ask for what you want. This is definitely true in the case of getting feedback from a meeting’s attendees. Why not ask for feedback during the meeting? After you’ve made a statement, ask Joe or Sue what he or she thinks about the statement you just made. This is not done to point anyone out or prove they are or aren’t paying attention, but to let employees know that you care about their opinions and value their thoughts. If done in the right spirit, asking for immediate feedback can increase the value of a meeting and help attendees get the most out of it.
- State your desired outcome
Most managers provide an agenda at the beginning of a meeting. Do this, but be sure to state your desired outcome before discussing the agenda. 4 Ways to Make Meetings Actually Worthwhile said managers should simply say at the start of a meeting, “‘By the end of this meeting, I would like to _.’ (This gets) everyone up to speed, come to a consensus or decision, get approval, confirm next-step assignments, etc.” Taking a few seconds to state your desired outcome increases communication and elevates any meeting, no matter how mundane its subject matter.
- Get to the point as quickly as possible
There are few things worse than being lectured, especially when the lecturer isn’t interesting. Keep the feel of a meeting dynamic by getting to the point as soon as possible and leaving out all details that don’t relate to the topic. People have limited energy and time, and meeting attendees will notice when you make the effort to be succinct. This will also preserve your time and energy.
“Articulating your desired outcome is the context- and expectation-setting that most meetings lack.” — Recruiter.com
Meetings are often dreaded and regarded as energy-drainers. You can change your employees’ minds about meetings by:
- Getting feedback during meetings
- Stating your desired outcome at the start of a meeting
- Making presentations engaging by leaving out irrelevant information
What are some ways you help your employees get the most out of meetings?