Why You Should Onboard with a Company That Offers Mentoring Opportunities

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The benefits of mentoring are vast. When employees are mentored, they become upskilled, have access to advice and support, develop soft skills, and naturally become more confident, according to Aston Online. These are all valid reasons job seekers should consider onboarding with companies that offer opportunities for mentoring.

Why Mentoring is Important for Employees

Mentoring is important for employees for the reasons mentioned above as well as many others. One of the most valuable reasons is professional development.

Companies spend considerable money on professional development programs. These programs can be effective, but so can mentor relationships. “Mentoring provides one way for embedding cost-effective professional development,” stated the Journal of Professional Development in Education.

How to Get the Most Out of Mentoring

If you do choose to onboard with a company that makes mentoring a priority, it will be helpful to know how to get the most from mentoring.

“Once enrolled in a company-sponsored mentoring program, employees must take full advantage of it, stated Recruiter.com. This source gave specific tips for doing this:

  • Keep in contact with your mentor.
  • Keep all your appointments with your mentor.
  • Focus on the goals you and your mentor have set up together.  

Recruiter.com also stated, “Establishing a strong relationship early on with your mentor is key to making the program work for your professional development.”

Forbes also weighed in on how mentees could get the most out of mentoring. A contributor wrote, “Step out of your comfort zone and be curious. This is perhaps the most beneficial piece of advice that you need to follow to get the most out of a mentor relationship. Ask thought-provoking questions that make you dive deeper for answers.”

Mentor Relationships Should Be a Good Fit

Mentor relationships should be a good fit for both mentor and mentee. While HR has the most say in this area, mentees should not hesitate to let managers know if a mentor relationship is not working out. There is nothing wrong with requesting a different mentor after you’ve given your current mentor relationship enough time to develop.  

Mentoring Benefits Mentors, Too

Mentoring doesn’t just benefit mentees, but also mentors. In a mentor relationship, mentors are able to strengthen their leadership skills, develop greater empathy, and make continuous learning a priority. They also learn from their mentees.

Mentoring in the workplace benefits mentors, organizations, and especially mentees. Job seekers who place significant value on personal and professional development should make it a point to ask potential employers if they offer mentoring opportunities and, if so, in what capacity. Be choosy about who you onboard with and make sure they have the programs you need to succeed.


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