A Showcase Resume Combines Experience and Personality

Sharon Mak All, Job Search Tips Leave a Comment

A Showcase Resume Combines Facts and PersonalityJob seekers seem conflicted; they want to create resumes that fit standard CV protocols, while showcasing unique personality traits as well. Is it possible to have a written resume that accurately displays one’s professional skill and individuality? Absolutely.

In fact, combining job specific qualifications with some personality may intrigue employers and recruiters. When approaching a resume this way, it is important to keep in mind how unique experiences and characteristics come across to the person whom the resume is intended to reach.

By considering the employer, recruiter, or company at large, it is possible to flavor the first introduction with some individual traits that successfully create a showcase resume.

Before executing this resume recipe, here are some facts to know:

  • Employers and recruiters look for intelligence and competence, as well as personal qualities like professionalism, curiosity, self-motivation, likeability, and courage.
  • Having a face-to-face interview this is an ideal opportunity that may never come — don’t count on this being the time and place to showcase personality.
  • The person reading resumes is looking for the qualified candidate who relays why he or she is fitting for the position and work environment.

Create a Resume that Showcases Experience and Personality

There are three components to consider when creating a showcase resume: fact/experience, personality, and the recruiter/employer reading the resume. Following these three steps will ensure an application is complete and well-received:

  • Step One- Keep a standard resume outline

Rely on standard aspects of a resume, like a cover letter or “objectives” section, to express personality. These may offer great places to expose characteristics of self-drive, creativity, and curiosity. Similarly, keep the “work experience” section for just that – information about prior employment, positions, and accomplishments. This allows the reader to quickly and efficiently locate the information he or she is looking for.

  • Step Two- Let personality guide the format

A factual person may choose to simply list details and bullet point accomplishments or prior work experiences. On the other hand, an individual who is more reliant on intuition and feelings may be inclined to write brief descriptions for each necessary point.

  • Step Three- Review the resume from every angle

To make sure the resume is a perfect blend of skill and personality, read the final draft from both an analytical and emotional perspective. Also, understand the company for which the application is intended. It is likely that a software provider will look for a straightforward resume, while a marketing firm may be excited to see the writing style of an applicant.

With each resume sent out, the opportunity of getting an interview, and hopefully a job, grows. Increase these chances by creating a showcase personality that highlights experience and includes hints of unique characteristics. Using this introduction as a place to explain skill and demonstrate personality may intrigue employers and recruiters. Try this approach on the next resume draft and find out how effective it can be.

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