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How to Rapidly Grow Your LinkedIn Network

Pinnacle Career Tips, Job Search Tips Leave a Comment

Growing your LinkedIn network is simple. It is also critical to helping unemployed people find the work they want and need. Specific actions will build a strong LinkedIn network, but these actions will probably need to be done over and over again for several weeks before you get the results you want. If you are willing to invest time into growing your LinkedIn network, you will be rewarded greatly in your professional life.

Why Grow Your LinkedIn Network?

There are a couple of excellent reasons why job seekers and other types of professionals should grow a LinkedIn network. For example, a strong LinkedIn network…

  • Helps job seekers find work – Building a thriving network can put you in the virtual path of the job of your dreams.
  • Opens up new job opportunities – Simply staying active on a platform like LinkedIn can open up hundreds of new career opportunities for already-employed individuals.

Whether you are in the market for a great job or crave a career change, a healthy LinkedIn network will be a boon to your job-seeking efforts

Rapidly Expand Your LinkedIn Network by Doing Good Networking Deeds

Anyone can expand his or her LinkedIn network in a relatively short period of time. However, this takes discipline. If you are serious about growing your network as quickly as possible, you’ll need to build rapport with members of your network. The best way to do this is by promoting them. Holly Lichtenfield, writer for Inc., said this can be accomplished by endorsing a skill/writing a recommendation on LinkedIn, sending someone an article or job posting you think would be appreciated, and connecting two individuals who have common interests/careers. Lichtenfield recommended doing one good networking deed per day for thirty days before stepping it down to just one or two per week.

Build a Strong LinkedIn Network by Posting Regular Updates

Another essential way to build a strong LinkedIn network is by staying active and visible on the platform. This means joining professional networks and groups that are relevant to you and posting regular updates. Entrepreneur India’s article 6 Tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Network stated,

It’s very important that you are active on LinkedIn starting with posting updates every day. You can think of LinkedIn updates (as) social media posts. When you consistently stay in the feeds of your customers, then there are much more opportunities for them to come forward and comment, like, and share your posts. This interaction gets you introduced to the connections they have, giving you another way of growing your network.”

Don’t neglect this important step in growing your LinkedIn network.

Spending just a few minutes a day on LinkedIn posting regular updates and promoting individuals can rapidly grow your network. Are you willing to invest minutes to reap perhaps a long-term career opportunity?

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