Holding Effective Year-End Performance Reviews

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They may not be at the top of your “favorites” list, but year-end performance reviews are  a critical part of the year-end process for many organisations.
Year-end performance reviews are an excellent opportunity.

Sure, many employees dread them — and maybe even managers too — but it doesn’t have to be that way. Performance reviews are an excellent opportunity to assess the previous year, plan for the upcoming year, and build trust with your employees. Here are four tips to help you get the most out of your employee reviews:

  1. Determine a clear to-do list. Reviews can turn into hour-long griping sessions or personal conversations. Before the scheduled review time, email employees a detailed plan for the meeting, then stick to it. Keeping to a plan will help you keep your meeting on track and ensure all objectives are met.
  2. Set clear goals. Determine clear goals for your employees to achieve in the upcoming year, and assess how they did in the previous year. Set a specific number of attainable goals for your employees to take in the new year. It will provide them with direction and encouragement for the upcoming year. Then, as the year progresses, feel free to let employees add new goals as they might arise.
  3. Allow employees their chance to lead. Your employees should be active participants in their reviews – not just listeners. Offer an opportunity for employees to ask questions, raise concerns, or discuss goals and requests.
  4. Follow through on promises. Determine follow-up times to meet and assess how the employee is doing, and how progress is moving toward their goals. Plus, if you made promises during the review, make sure you are following up on your own promises. The trust your employees hold in you can waver based on how you respond and follow up to the review.

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