Time to Get Things Done – 5 Tips for Personal Productivity

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Have you ever approached the end of a work day and thought to yourself, “What did I get done?” It’s too easy for the day to fly by, and have nothing concrete accomplished. Day after day, this cycle can lead to burnout and stress. Worst of all, the tasks will still be waiting to get done!

There are simple ways to keep your days on track.
Productivity doesn’t require an expensive piece of equipment or a 5-day seminar. These five tips will help you organize your day and stay on track.

1. Eliminate distractions. Our days are filled with unnecessary distractions – otherwise known as productivity killers. Eliminate them wherever possible. Is your inbox filled with email each morning, but only a fraction of them are useful? Unsubscribe from unnecessary emails or newsletters. Is a co-worker constantly bombarding you with personal stories and anecdotes, pulling you away from the task at hand? Wear headphones, even if you don’t want to listen to music. Headphones are a polite way to tell people you are busy, and not to be disturbed.

2. Make lists. Take five minutes at the beginning of each day and identify your top five tasks for that day. As you complete a task, cross it off your list. Take that a step further and spend 10 minutes each Sunday night or Monday morning to make a list of your top goals for the week. By breaking down your tasks into attainable lists, you will help ensure nothing gets missed, and you’ll help to quell that overwhelmed feeling.

3. Get some rest. Mom wasn’t kidding when she told you to get to bed early. How can you possibly be productive if you’re not getting the rest your body needs? Start adhering to a sleep schedule that ensures you get a solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. And if your Tim Hortons addiction is resulting in too many caffeine-induced, sleepless nights, maybe it’s time to think about cutting back (okay, maybe just going to decaf once in awhile).

4. Be punctual. Do you get to work on time? Being even five minutes late can immediately set you back for your day’s progress. Here’s a simple rule. Be on time. Each morning, of course, but also to meetings. One person showing up late to a meeting can hold up a dozen people’s days, leading to wasted time and a rushed, stressful feeling throughout the day.

5. Delegate where appropriate. Take a look at your task list. Is there anything on it that can be delegated elsewhere? It may seem easier to just do everything by yourself, but you’re only wasting time and making it harder on yourself. Take advantage of support staff and other co-workers for tasks that are best delegated elsewhere.

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