Why You Need an Executive Recruiter Before You Need One

Sharon Mak All, Career Tips Leave a Comment

Why You Need an Executive Recruiter Before You Need One | Pinnacle Career Tips

I like my insurance broker. I also like my banker and my attorney. There are many parts of my life that I rely on experts to help. In essence, I outsource some of my work and rely on their expertise to filter out the noise and help me make better decisions in those parts of my life. So it’s somewhat of a curiosity that people choose to “go it alone” so often in respect to their careers. The trusted counsel of a professional executive recruiter with experience and contacts in the industry is a must-have for executives.

Most executives aren’t looking new opportunities most of the time. They’re focused on running their organizations and developing long-term strategic plans that they have every intention of carrying out. Most execs pay attention to job search under two scenarios – they need to find work due to job loss or they happened to have been caught by a cold-calling recruiter. Neither scenario is very efficient. Both are limited to the jobs available at a certain point in time and have a limited view of the job market. And everyone knows that viewing job postings isn’t the answer. Aside from the tremendous noise, 80% of jobs aren’t posted, particularly executive jobs.

Engaging an executive recruiter for a long-term relationship to help manage your career is an efficient and effective career move. With only occasional friendly contact, a recruiter can keep an executive in mind for opportunities that align with their goals and career direction. It is a low-cost move that can have a huge impact on an exec’s career.

When surveyed, 60% of currently employed professionals noted that they would consider a new opportunity if they were approached. The problem with the logic is that being passive and waiting to be approached probably means they’re not seeing the best job opportunities. By having a relationship with a consultative executive recruiter, execs can have a partner that filters out junk and networks to pursue opportunities in the future that are of interest.

Why don’t all executives take this approach? Frankly, consultative recruiters can be difficult to find. Like many industries, executive search has many companies seeking a quick buck that inundate execs with cold calls. With so much time spent trying to avoid recruiters, it might seem ludicrous to actively seek one out. It also might seem disloyal to talk to a recruiter while you’re currently employed and not looking for a new opportunity. While that feeling can be tough to shake, a professional consultation on your career isn’t akin to interviewing with the competition – it can be as simple as a coffee or phone call to network or simply talk about the industry.

Careers are sometimes a funny topic in Canadian culture, somewhat akin to talking about money or marital relationships. But it’s an important topic, too. It’s important enough to form a relationship with an expert that can add value to your career.

When do you think is the best time to consult with a recruiting expert in your field? 

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