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Read This and Never Write a Boring Job Description Again

Pinnacle HR & Recruiting Advice, Management Best Practices Leave a Comment

Most hiring managers have wondered at some point why they just can’t seem to attract the type of job candidates their companies need. This is especially true when turnover rates are high. No company is perfect, and a small percentage of employee turnover is expected. However, when the rate of employee turnover goes above 10%, there is a problem.

Causes of employee turnover are varied. Sometimes, it’s an employee’s fault that he or she quit or was let go. Other times, the employer is to blame. For example, a company may not have onboarded an employee correctly or failed to provide ongoing training. Or, as is often the case, a company simply isn’t attracting the right type of employees.

Why Don’t Companies Attract the Right Type of Employees?

It’s tough to say why companies don’t attract the type of employees they need in order to grow and thrive. If this is an issue for an employer, the first thing organizational leaders should do is look at the company’s job descriptions and ask this question: “Are these job ads boring?” If they are, writing more-engaging job descriptions may be a large part of that company’s solution to high turnover rates.

Never Write a Boring Job Description Again

Strive to write interesting job descriptions. This is important because job descriptions represent companies and should advertise their brand well.

As far as a potential employee is concerned, a company is only as interesting as its job descriptions. Up your company’s wow-factor, as well as its ability to attract talented employees, by maximizing job ads. An increasingly popular way to do this is by creating video job descriptions.

Should You Try Creating Video Job Descriptions?

A video job description is anything but uninteresting and may draw a different type of candidate. Sylvie Woolf, writer for, said,

“The average job prospect spends only 50 seconds on a job posting before moving on. That isn’t much time to showcase your company culture, describe the job, and outline a potential career path. One option is to try out a video job description that explores a day-in-the-life view of the position. Video also provides an opportunity to project your visual brand and to create excitement around the company and position.”

Video job descriptions are also a great idea because people tend to prefer video over text. Video is highly engaging and emotional, and quickly conveys a company’s brand, intent, and job openings. And, since the average person’s attention span is only 8 seconds, communicating with potential employees through video is smart. Learn more about how to create video job descriptions here.

Quality Job Descriptions Draw Quality Applicants

If your company’s job descriptions are high-quality, high-energy, and personable, the candidates who reply to them will be too. Give your job ads a makeover and see if it makes a difference in the type of talent your company attracts. We think it will.

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