Own Your Job Search

Sharon Mak All, Job Search Tips Leave a Comment

Own Your Job SearchAn independent job search is a job like no other; there is no system of operation to follow nor a supervisor to report to. This poses a great challenge to many job seekers. Without the structure of a traditional job, many individuals feel lost.

If you have the right credentials but are not landing your dream job, it may be time to reevaluate your job search technique. Create a plan that allows you to move forward, broaden your search, and invest working hours wisely. Following these three tips may make your job search more effective.

In this role, it is up to you to make things happen. You are in control of your job search.

Keep Moving Forward

The job search, like most jobs, has a honeymoon period, after which people report feeling defeated and stagnant. Through the ups and downs, it is important to adamantly seek full-time career opportunities in your field. In the meantime, stay sharp by taking on freelance projects or volunteering your best services. Using your talent and job skills can boost confidence and strengthen your network of connections.

Broaden Your Search

Time goes slow when there is no daily routine to follow. As the job search continues, reevaluate your progress. Ask yourself- what is working and what isn’t? Are you finding appealing positions? If no, it is time to adopt a new approach to your job search. This requires more than typing the title of your dream job into a search engine. Consider looking for the right job description rather than a particular title. This may lead you to find the job of your dreams in an unexpected place.

Invest Your Time Wisely

In your full-time job search, you will spend up to eight hours a day connecting with people in person, on the telephone, and online. By networking in local groups with people who share your interests, making calls to friends and colleagues, and using social networks and job sites, you can boost the momentum of your search. Invest your time in conversations that have the potential to produce jobs. Chart your progress by setting weekly goals and assessing the success of your efforts.

Bearing the responsibility of getting a new job is a lot to take on. It is important to have a plan.  The more thought put into your search technique, the easier it will be to spot networking opportunities, identify potential positions, and adapt your plan to fit current trends and needs. Always move forward, think big, and be wise with your time. Own your job search.

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