How to Earn Employee Respect

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There is a big difference between being a person in power and a person whom people respect.

How to Earn Respect from Employees

Often times, respect is not given freely — it must be earned. Nobody knows this better than a person in leadership. When employees respect the boss they report to, it can alleviate the stress of business and create a lighthearted work environment.

There are many things a leader can do to earn employee respect. The best way to ensure this is by, first, showing respect to all workers. In addition, there are other techniques that help employers achieve high morale. Three ways bosses can earn (and keep!) employee respect are by reflecting value, offering good feedback, and being involved in day-to-day operations.

3 Ways to Earn Employee Respect

1)     Let all employees know they are valuable

What do the executive in a corner office and the person cleaning lobby bathrooms have in common? They both show up for work every day and get their tasks accomplished. As a result, the entire organization runs smoothly. When a leader commends each person for his or her contribution to the business, individuals feel noticed and are inclined to put forth their best efforts.

2)     Offer constructive feedback to team members

Everyone enjoys hearing, “job well done!” Similarly, most employees like knowing how they can improve. This involves offering feedback. As a boss, it is important to give constructive advice to each employee in addition to recognizing recent accomplishments. This makes people feel like they are part of a team and puts a boss in the respected position of coach.

3)      Be involved in day-to-day operations

A common temptation for leaders is to distance themselves from those who work in other parts of the company. This may be because of the large volume of work a boss or department head is responsible for. However, when a leader takes an active role in day-to-day tasks, he or she is likely to earn employee respect. After all, everyone enjoys seeing leadership get in the trenches. And leaders benefit from this too by gaining a fuller perspective on the effectiveness of operational procedures.

Are you in a position of leadership? If so, how did you get to where you are today? While some of the best bosses work their ways up corporate ladders, others leverage innate leadership qualities and extensive schooling in business administration or other fields to get to the top.

Wherever your journey has taken you, the most important thing to understand about leadership is that there is a big difference between being a person in power and a person whom people respect. For this reason, a boss must always be aware of how he or she is viewed through the eyes of employees. This is a conscientious approach that will allow you to earn employee respect.

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