The Best Answer to the Question “Why Should We Hire You?”

Pinnacle All, Job Search Tips 1 Comment

“Why should we hire you?” This is a question that is usually asked in one way or another during a job interview. It is also one that makes job seekers stammer. Being taken off guard by this question is enough to make you want to crawl under a rock.

The Best Answer for the Question “Why Should We Hire You?”

Job seekers, be prepared to give an explanation when asked why a company should hire you. To devise the right answer, you first have to overcome a few roadblocks. These obstacles may include


Some people think that saying positive things about themselves is arrogant and prideful. How untrue this is. Some candidates have let jobs slip right their fingers because they couldn’t say, “I am really great at _,” “_ is my top strength,” or “I feel I bring _ to the table as a candidate.” Be straightforward with potential employers about your strengths. Don’t let the fear of seeming prideful keep you from confidently telling someone why he or she should hire you. The article Why Should We Hire You? says, “Being overly modest never got anyone anywhere. And neither has acting obnoxiously cocky.” Strive to find the right balance.


Certain job candidates are unable to tell employers why they should hire them for the simple fact they do not know. If you don’t know why an employer should hire you, it will be hard to market yourself. Spend time figuring out why you would make a great addition to a company’s team before your next job interview.

Low self-esteem

There are two different kinds of job seeker. The first knows what he or she is good at but feels uncomfortable sharing it with others. The second is blind to his or her strengths but can expertly detect weaknesses. People like this have low self-esteem and don’t believe deep down that they are worth much, personally or professionally. Those with a damaged self-esteem need to work on increasing their sense of self-worth. They must dwell on what they do right and are skilled at. Also, they should write down a positive answer to the question “why should we hire you?” and rehearse the answer over and over again. These job seekers may benefit from faking confidence until it becomes authentic. If low self-esteem is keeping you from devising an accurate answer to the question addressed here, there’s no shame in enlisting the help of a trusted friend.

“Why should we hire you?” Every job candidate will have a different answer to this question. The answer may need to be revised as job seekers gain new skills. Next time you are asked this question, what will you say?


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  1. Hey,
    Nice article,You have mention all the impressive points for answering the most comman interview questions that are asked in interview.
    Thanks a lot for posting..!!!

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