How to Bounce Back from a Career Setback

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The chances of you experiencing a setback during your career are high. In fact, as one of Winnipeg’s top employment agencies, we know that most people do at one point or another. What differentiates us is how we deal with that setback and move forward toward re-building a successful career and hopefully coming out ahead in the process.

So if you’re in the midst of a professional disaster, how can you turn the negative into a positive? Here’s a look:

Take a step back.
A career setback can tell us something we need to know about ourselves or our career. However, to learn from the experience, it’s essential that you view the setback in an objective way so you can accurately determine what went wrong and why. By doing so, you’ll hopefully come to understand where you got off track.

For instance, were you in the wrong position? Or working for the wrong kind of company? Perhaps you’re someone with strong interpersonal skills and were promoted into a more technical position that wasn’t right for you. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to be honest about your strengths and weaknesses so you can move forward in a productive way and not make the same mistake twice.

Build your self esteem back up.
Many people derive much of their self esteem from their professional lives. As a result, when things go wrong, it can be a big blow to our confidence. But understand that to get back in the game, you have to stay positive and recognize that most everyone has failed at some point in their professional lives. If you need further inspiration, read books on the power of positive thinking or about famous people who failed their way forward (i.e. turned setbacks into successes).

Prepare for awkward questions.
If, for instance, you were fired from a position, then you’re going to have address the situation in your job interviews, whether you like it or not. But do so in a positive way. Don’t trash your former company or boss, or yourself. Instead, present your setback as an experience that you were able to learn and grow from as a result. If, on the other hand, you try to deny it, then you’ll paint yourself into a corner and out of the job offer.

If you’d like some further assistance in getting your career back on track, let us know. As one of Winnipeg’s top employment agencies, our personalized service, consultative approach, and innovative attitude can enable you to bounce back from a career setback – and help you realize your career goals. Contact us today to learn more.

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