Choosing the Right Social Recruiting Tools

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Social Recruiting ToolsSocial technology offers recruiting tools that make life simple – in theory. When used correctly, networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter optimize and automate the process of finding and screening potential job candidates. If these and other systems bring more chaos to your job than relief, it is time to find the right social recruiting tools for your business model.

When exploring effective approaches to online recruiting, consider the networks you use and how good they are at attracting traffic, and ideally, target candidates. Employers who use social tools for recruiting success often keep online profiles consistent in a way that extends a brand, promotes real-time interactions, and has unique appeal.

Does your social media presence exemplify these qualities?

What Do Social Recruiting Tools Do for You?

Here are four ways social recruiting tools can (and should) simplify your life:

1)     Social recruiting tools work well with your existing system and proven recruitment strategy.

In the information age, unnecessary data fills a recruiter’s inbox to capacity. It is ideal to use social recruiting tools that allow you to set privacy settings to safeguard your inbox from spam and pointless updates.

2)     They supply communication channels that host interactions throughout all hiring stages.

Recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding are tasks that go hand-in-hand. Using one platform to accomplish these three purposes establishes a streamline of operations. Data that is documented, archived, and easy to transfer significantly cuts down on the recruiter’s workload.

3)     Choice social tools enable (and make it simple) to market a brand.

One of the greatest benefits of online social networks is the ability to customize a profile to fit your brand. It is important to use social tools that help you market the values and goals of a position. This will attract the right employees and shed light on company culture.

4)     Social recruiting tools make it easy to connect job seekers with employers.

When using a software system or social media tools for making and maintaining connections with potential employees, make sure it is user-friendly for all parties. Messaging systems ought to be intuitive for job seekers and employers. Through these online exchanges, it is ideal for employers to be able to enter conversations seamlessly.

Recruiters have different styles, preferences, and needs when it comes to online recruiting. Some require tools that help scan applicants quickly. Others prefer networks that allow them to uncover hidden talent. Thankfully, there are more than enough networks purposed to connect recruiters with active job seekers and passive candidates. As social media continues to evolve, get to know which new and improved networks work best for your recruitment strategy. Choose tools that simplify life and advance your career.

It is possible to find tools that accelerate your recruiting goals. In this case, what is right might not be popular. The greatest benefit of social networks is that they allow you to make personal connections with a larger group of people, in a timely and efficient manner. Which tools work for you?

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